Songcraft Podcast: SNED Music - Joe Oppenheimer

This week I interviewed John Sneddon for the Songcraft Podcast, a bass playing beat maker with a unique (and often improvised) live show. I loved what he had to say about creativity, dedication, and making it work as an independant musician. 

Be sure to check out more about Sned's music, classes and happenings on his website

Also, you have to watch this video for a taste of how he kicks out the jams. Making live improvised electronica look this effortless is not effortless!!

Stay tuned for more interviews in the future, and until then... keep writing!

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Joe Oppenheimer

Joe specialises in real, heart-felt music. With nearly 15 years of experience writing songs for guitar and piano, he also produces his own work and teaches other to do the same. Running Songcraft and working out of Mycelium Recordings in Melbourne, he collaborates with festivals such as Rainbow Serpent and Strawberry Fields and is putting together LP, Falling Up. 'Joe is unafraid of examining the darker shades of life, and his enthusiasm is infectious... Just like his melodies.'

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